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Dee_Parker Level 2


  • Hi Elsa, no rush at all but thanks 
  • Thank you Elsa appreciate that - not sure why I always seem to get a hiccup with bonuses and comps I rarely get them when i have won them - little frustrating but thanks all the same 
  • Morning and thank you thats very kind - there is a current contest on caleld "space race" that ends in 30 mins - i am currently 3rd so will see if i stay third or higher if i get a prize - if not there is something not workign quite right and wonder if you can help ?? but also, the daily prizes have been stuck on day one…
  • Thank you, its only a game and no need to be anything other than polite - if it gets sorted great if it doesnt It wont be life changing - lol but thanks for looking into it for me - have a great weekend
  • No there were two events both which i won both which have finished there is now a new event on
  • Hi and thanks, not sure how i would know which they were ? there was two i played and won, they were "contests" does that help at all ?? the other issue i am now having is that I dont seem to move past day one of the 7 days bonus

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