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G.B Newbie


  • This is by design! They have purposefully stopped people from getting lives. This has been going on for YEARS and they have made NO effort to fix it!
  • I am worried about this issue with this game. Most of the games on facebook are designed to get you to purchase over and over again. I was wondering when the impossible levels would come that required you to purchase something in order to pass it. The minute I encounter this issue - this game will be uninstalled. I will…
    in Level 3230 Comment by G.B April 2018
  • I must say this is silly! If a person wins an designated number of hours to play - THEY should pick when it is to be used. I also "won" six hours of play time and the minute I accepted the gift the clock started ticking. However, it was this morning when I was leaving to go to WORK! So, none of the 6 hours was I able to…

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