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GKat Level 2

Level #3568 is killing me. Days and days on this. No boosters left. CAN’T beat it. Lollipop thing comes and goes, never filling. About done here with this game


  • First of all, what IS the last level number? I’m stuck on 4435. Also, apparently I have to beat that level for the fish to accrue? I don’t know how to get past 4th place since I don’t even know how I got where I am.
  • I suppose it depends on which device you use? IDK but I’m getting so tired of these levels. The tile part whatever it’s called. Why can I only do 2 tiles a day? My husband and I play all day long between the two of us and we shouldn’t be limited. But I really did like that supersonic lollipop and not it half fills and…
  • For two wks now or more I get the supersonic lolly but it just sits there empty through game after game. Every now and then I’ll get 1 pc, maybe 2 but then it’s gone on the next game, coming back days later empty. In the beginning I used it a lot and loved it in those hard hard games but now NOTHING! Can it please be fixed…
  • I’ve Click on Claim and It does nothing
  • I have this same problem. Came here to ask it but I see no answer here either

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