As of this morning (June 29, 2016) my Kindle is working fine again. I guess the squeaky wheel finally got some grease! And NOW in the afternoon it's NOT working. Come on King-figure it out please!!
This has now been solved as of June 29,2016. My Kindle is back to functioning normally now. Thank you King. Not that I am aware of. But also NOW in the afternoon of June 29 it is NOT working again. Guess it was a fluke. Or maybe they are "trying" to get it fixed. XXkeepingmyfingerscrossedXX
Here is a workaround for the recent "can't exit CC on a Kindle Fire" problem: The problem for me was that (as of an update two weeks ago) the Kindle menu icon/button disappeared from the middle of the right side of the screen. My work-around is: Press and hold the hardware button for shutting down the Kindle. When you see…
Hi guys. Having the same issue so tweeted it to King the other day and just got a direct message saying that they appreciate my feedback but they've decided that recources should be used for other things that would benefit a larger number of players. They also say they don't plan a fix for this in the foreseeable future.…
@Cam thanks so much for your reply, this is really useful! @All- does everyone's screen look like this? Yes. When you load up the game on the Kindle, it AUTOMATICALLY changes it to full screen with no way to exit the full screen setting. It's annoying!!
Well apparently I made an error and it is NOT fixed. Now there HAS been an update. So my guess is they are not going to fix it and we just boycott this game until they do. If King can be annoying then so can we!
As of this morning (June 29, 2016), my Kindle is now back to working fine. The "menu" icon has returned. Not sure why it took so long to fix but thank you to King for finally doing it!