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Jami_Fagala Level 3


  • @Kathyrnn The gift boxes were little treasure chests every so many levels. Once you reached each one, you would get free lives for 30 mins or an hour (can’t remember which) and 15 mins of a booster. 
  • Agreed @Pickles123
  • @dalec as much as It saddens me, I couldn’t agree with you more. We have been hearing the same song and dance since mtf came out in February! They snatched our quests in a day but it takes 6 months to make a few simple changes to mtf??? To be fair, there have been a couple changes made but they don’t affect the outcome or…
  • @Buglady thank you for responding. I have seen the changes in MTF but those changes really have no affect on the biggest problems with the feature. People are still getting blocked by other players. We are still stuck with the 2 tiles per day limit. There are still tasks on the board requiring you to use a booster to get a…
  • @@Buglady I do understand that people are more likely to post about a negative experience than a positive one. However, in this community and other review forums players post both negative and positive experiences as that’s kind of the point. I have been reading reviews on Mr. Toffee Fair since it came out in February…
  • @candysodacrusher I’m sure you’re right. They’ve already messed with bubblegum hill a while ago. When it first came out along with the 6 lollipop hammers you would get an automatic 11 or 12 (I can’t remember which now) gold bars plus what you could accumulate while on the throne. Now there’s no automatic gold bars and…
  • Seems like every new and wonderful “feature” and change being made is just another way to take boosters away from us. Now y’all have screwed up rainbow road. I have finally used up all my gold bars and boosters so I’m done. I have played this game since it first came out and I’ve spent quite a bit of money which is…
  • Yet more taken away. They aren’t gonna be happy until we get no freebies at all. 
  • @Wiggles777 you did a great job of summing up the situation. They won’t be happy until all us “veterans” have left and they’ve completely ruined this game. They are well on their way. 
  • @rachelsped I could not agree with you more. 

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