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JayTee85 Level 2

Trying to figure out how to add teammates and check out who my Teammates actually are🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Not sure if I’m confused with candy soda crush or something like that but I stopped playing Candy crush for a lil while and came back to it recently and now it’s like everything seems backwards and confusing on a game that’s meant to be the exact opposite of confusing. 😂 please Help 🥺🤦‍♂️😔😞


  • Mine has disappeared today August 30th 2021 ?
  • I wasn’t sure if I posted it correctly the first time so I sent it again this time with the picture visible instead of an attachment. So here you Go. Once again I’ll be waiting for a response with my Gold Bars!! 🤣😂🥺😔😂
  • Thanks Else This was entertaining these kinda contests are Awesome!! Plz try to figure out more ways to give prizes out. Oh & I’ll be expecting my Gold Bars soon!!😂😂☺️
  • Hey wish this game was easier to maneuver when it comes to figuring out how to add your own team and where to see your Teammates...etc. I’m not sure why but quite frequently I find my game acting like I’m not logged in and then it won’t allow me to pick my team or even look at my team I’m not sure what’s going on with…
  • Yeah Casey the Conductor 🤙 YEAH!!! 🌏🤘🤘🏻🤘🏼🤘🏽🤘🏾🤘🏿🌍✊✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🌎 SPEAK, STAND & WALK TOGETHER WITH GOD, LOVE, KINDNESS & COMPASSION FOR ALL 4 EVER
  • New 🐝 Bee 😂😂
  • So how is everyone doing? I hope all of you are being safe out there with this virus. It seems like it’s not going anywhere soon and the Government is opening the country back up now and that’s just making everything a lot worse numbers handed been doubling!!! Take care Brothers and Sisters and God bless!!
  • Yeah these games are really fun but very very addicting!! Addicting as the candy they portray😂😂 Super easy to play really easy to spend money on and even easier to become hooked!🤦‍♂️😂😂 Good Luck to all of you who share the same fun burden!
  • Do we get anything for completing the certain requirements and receiving Badges?? If anyone knows send me a message or reply thanks🤙🤙
  • I’m happy that I found this Community this game is awesome and this Community makes it even better when there’s a great Following of awesome people who are willing to make contests like this. Well, I beat the level before this contest but my first try this time I got a score of 443480 I’ll attach the picture to this…
  • Yeah same here Brother God Bless and Hope and Pray that you and your family are all okay!! Better safe then sorry is the way I see it I’m staying in my house I don’t need to get that virus and I don’t want it either!!
  • Hey Apleonard I’m glad you joined the Community, There’s absolutely No reason that you need to be Shy in here or anywhere for that matter we are all Family no matter you Religion, Race, Creed or country of origin. All of Us came from the same Two people Mother and Father to Us all and that makes all of us Brothers and…
  • Hey Musa980 That’s awesome I started when the games first came out but I stopped playing for a really long time then I came back and then I stopped again and came back again lol so I’m not as far as I should be for the amount of time I’ve had the games downloaded lol. but hey what level are you on ?? I want to find someone…
  • Wow! 3170 that’s crazy I’m only at like 650 for Candy Soda Crush and I’m Around level 900 something for Candy Crush Saga But yeah that’s Awesome 😎 Good Job🤙🤙
  • Love King Games at first before I actually tried there games I wasn’t sure if this type of game would be my style of gaming but that was before I started playing lol. Now I can’t seem to stop playing them. I’m not someone drop a cringy Pun but I have to say that they “Crushed It” when they made Candy Crush Saga ~ Candy…

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