It's working! I didin't check for some time now, but got the mail in the morning that it worked again on s.o. elses PC. So I tried and YES, it's working. Thanks to whoever fixed this.
Hello Still not working on Windows 10. This startet the very same day when people startet complaining about the app not working on their kindle some weeks ago. Pity, I liked the game very much. Best regards Jürgen
Hello Sukanta_Biswas Well, I really do not understand your post. I quoted the advice of Crazy Cat Lad and Quote: ❗ Please note that this thread is only for Amazon Kindle Fire tablet issues. If you are playing on any other device or platform, please head over here. The link (the green word here above) leads exactly to your…
Hello Ah, the quoting-functions sucks (or I don't understand how it works). I just wanted to quote one sentence. Quote (Crazy Cat Lad): ❗ Please note that this thread is only for Amazon Kindle Fire tablet issues. If you are playing on any other device or platform, please head over here. This 'here' doesn't help, because it…
Same here. Yesterday I played Level 804. Today the Windows 10 App is behaving like the op described. The Splashscfeen disappears after some seconds Best regards Jürgen