Hiya, I originally came here to find out how you were supposed to play the Tree Topper mini game. But it seems like it's a common theme and i'm getting 12 in a row then not being able to collect rewards after, just the option to play again for a random amount of coins. Can someone confirm what is supposed to happen in the…
There's no collect option on mine either. If you have successfully built some prizes up, clicking 'give up' should let you quit and then collect your items. But obviously wont work if it gets you before that.
I understand that but it doesn't give me the option to walk away with boosters at any stage. So I lose them either way. I will have to take some screenshots when I get another turn tomorrow.
Ah ok so you are supposed to get what you collect. There's only a 'give up' option to leave before it gets you and you don't get the prizes so I thought I was doing something wrong. I've spent a lot of money on this to find out I should have already won the bonuses in the mini game!