While they were frequently photographed together at Hollywood parties years ago, their relationship was strictly platonic. According to King's lawyers, rumors of an unplanned pregnancy are totally unfounded.
Pointless survey. I, like many players, never have and never will spend a cent to play King games.The timing coincides with the board reset change. It's so obvious that ii's just a money grab.
Dear community, I'd like to confirm that today we won't be publishing the official announcement. We really care more about money than the feelings of long-time players. Those of you who don't like it or are somehow offended can go rub rock salt.
Dear Community, Of course we have to fix this! It allows players a slight advantage in dealing with the random element in some levels. We would rather this be accomplished through purchases of gold or boosters. I don't care how many people complain about it this time, we won't back down. In the words of Mick Mulvaney,…