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MT-B Level 2


  • Hi guys, The Development Team is working on the solution and I will update you as soon as possible. Kindly disregard that this thread has been marked down as solved. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to change the status of the thread. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, - Mark, Team King…
  • Hi guys, The Development Team is working on the solution and I will update you as soon as possible. Kindly disregard that this thread has been marked down as solved. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to change the status of the thread. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Kind regards, - Mark, Team King…
  • Yup, King is taking the piss again. 30 seconds to remove 70+ objects, so that's over 2 a second. Is that a reasonable expectation from a games supplier? No, they just want their customers to spend loads of money to 'win' an impossible, unrealistic challenge. Shame on them. I have yet to remove more than 30 before the time…
  • Ditto, twice now on the cusp of victory. Don't King flood test their products?

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