'Test' or 'Special Group' is bs, every time a feature is removed all everyone gets told is it'll be back soon or that we're in one of these so called groups. I was in a special group at school, that was bs to.
I don't know how I'm supposed to do that when I barely get a combo good enough to get 1, when I do get 1 it gets automatically triggered resulting in low points. I've not had a single ad to get boosters since being on this level, even that board of 9 squares has vanished. I do however get allot of win moves spinners, but…
Hi.. I'm also stuck on this level for about a week now. I've seen on YouTube one video that this level requires 250k to pass and another that was just 70k, on mine it's 170k I've not even been able to get 100k let alone 170. I must have used 50-100 lives and numerous boosters on this level, also not getting any ads for…