This is nice, but if build a bot, or whatever they want to call it, for all levels is not brought back I am going to drop out of my classmate. I'm currently quickly going through all my boosters to get rid of them and will reduce my playing time significantly. Sad when a company gets rid if something so many people want.
Almost everyone agrees that the changes made to CCS are poor and made the game boring. But resistance is futile. They don't want to change And only want to collect money
How about name it Sugar Tracks. So that at least we feel like they are listening to us and giving us the sugar track back Maybe call it boosters for same reason
I'm just checking in and want to know if the game still sucks or have they brought back some of the better ways to earn boosters. Like a sugar track or build a bot on all levels and not lose the whole thing if you don't pass a level
Ok, so the best parts of the game are not coming back I will just add that is the only change you could make that would make the game fun and worthwhile. I was only checking in to see if there was news as to when someone at king would finally listen. I got my answer which is really too bad that you can't listen
Yes, I get what you're saying. I'm just saying they weren't going to pick anyone who complained about their game had they enetered Would never happen, ever. And no I didn't enter. That would mean I sti cared about a game I played for years and enjoyed. I don't now.
Wonder if they feature any crushers who now resent the game and have quit playing. Did they offer this to anyone on here or on FB who are complaining about not having build a bot at all levels or lost the sugar track. To me those are the real crushers, the ones willing to speak out, tell the truth of what has happened to a…