I have the event but right now I’m having an unfortunate hard time because level 6 is glitching on me twice basically the section is supposed to move after clearing out octopuses. Well it locked on me after I completed the first section with plenty of turns left, then when I tried again after I cleared the second section…
@DieOmimi i hope so too, i was fortunate to get olivia's outfit, i was just sad about not getting Jelly Queen's jubilee outfit and that was the one i wanted the most because its rare and hard to get her costumes due to them changing the time limit and making the difficulty impossible on the last levels, this gold tea party…
@DieOmimi Its a nice gesture but it's Just Not the Same!!!!!! This was the third time i got cheated out of events on purpose, Whats the point of giving me the golden event If they are not gonna give me the second half I Want them to restore this now, First the jubilee event fiasco, then the hollywood misty event now this,…
Im still waiting for part 2 I already completed part 1 and I even contacted customer support and I all I got is that reply about it being unavailable sometimes I even completed one level and still nothing I feel like the game is trying to cheat me once again like it did with the jubilee event
@MountainMom well it ended too early on me just as my lives replenish I was about to collect boosters from the delivery service when suddenly the event ended abruptly and I was not allowed to win the costume while everyone else did while I got the no costume for you message this year or ever that was a one time chance and…
@MountainMom that didn’t help at all 😢😢 I wanted the costume not the failure message I was the only one that lost due to time cheats and the levels being ridiculously impossible in fact i was close to winning when they pulled the plug quickly and instead of getting proper help from support I got swamped with the automated…