I’ve literally been stuck on 1108 for two weeks. Keep trying, over and over. Saw videos that show 34 moves but mine only gets 23. WTF? Not enough moves at all, so I guess I’m just gonna stop playing and you lose me as a customer. Having the same issue on the same level.
I've solved the problem more or less. I did uninstaled the game (completely) and then instaled it again. Don't give me the 40 lives but 20 ou 30 that was enought to complete it. Wondering the same thing.
I can't be bothered anymore with CCS. From 40 moves to 12, and "Elsa" keeps saying she'll let an admin know. It's a bot answer. Nothing ever gets done.
I also have only 12 moves for level 1066. Since this has been an issue for months now, I doubt King is going to fix it. Taking a level from 40 moves to 12 is ridiculous.