So, the game has kept changing over the years. Yes, we have to play a different way. How good can you be at the different way? Can you keep on keeping on as the game will continue to change? There is apparently no going back. P.S. I intend to buy, not a thing…
Love those high heels @Sheila_Rising! I do much more better in sneakers. Fell off my high heel light up blue skull shoes some years back! Twisted my right ankle some kind of bad. I was practicing dancing in them in my kitchen.
@Racoon7 No, I do not believe that I have ever heard of Charlie Bears. I looked them up and they are really cute! I am now restricted on my bear purchases as I have far too many. Not sure how many I have now because I donated some to a children's hospital and teddy bears are everywhere (almost) in my house, so hard to…