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Skeptic Newbie


  • It's not just a matter of preferences, it's NOT even POSSIBLE possible to play on the small screen for those with visual handicaps and require a laptop sized image. Utterly absurd to have 2/3 of the laptop screen area empty and one can't see the game well enough to actually play. I can't believe they're bragging about…
  • It's horrible and not in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Not possible anymore to play on a laptop for many people with vision problems. I've played for literally years but this is the second game in your menu that I will sadly have to abandon because of this. The more players (customers) you lose, the…
  • It is NOT an improvement, and it is NOT in keeping with the ADA. If that's the way you want to run your tech without a single accommodation for visually impaired people and/or for players in general, it's just plain foolish IMHO. I've already blown up another of your games that I had played for years because of this…

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