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TCA-2 Newbie


  • Play it on a smartphone, the fish eat the jelly bricks. Ha ha! Just tried again on my cell and it worked! Thank you for fixing! One week of stress and a lot of boosters wasted. Oh well!
    in Level 2015 Comment by TCA-2 June 2018
  • Play it on a smartphone, the fish eat the jelly bricks. I have tried both for a week! King please fix! The fish do not eat the meringue on a PC or my iPhone!
    in Level 2015 Comment by TCA-2 June 2018
  • Hi there TCA! I know that the Team is aware of an issue with the jelly fish, but I will add your post to their messages for you. Hopefully, when they come back into the office on Monday, they will start figuring out some of these issues and bugs so the levels can be fixed. I hope you have a wonderful day! Hi Laura. Has…
    in Level 2015 Comment by TCA-2 June 2018
  • Been there done that. Nope, still no luck. Not even close!

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