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Tammy_Kory Level 3

And by the way NOT loving this new format... First of all it's hard to log in ---I've had to reset my password twice and why can't you comment on someone else's comment?  Blech


  • OMG I used the checkmark to start and had to use 8 lollipop boosters when I noticed I hadn't quite made the points yet...the few striped candies I had left on the board pushed me to one star, thankfully. This level is just nasty. Yes, sorry--didn't see this right away
    in 1726 Comment by Tammy_Kory June 2016
  •  Level 1810 is now too easy...loll Let's not go too far.....
  • The newest episode, released today, has FOUR timed levels. :( Well that's just fabulous. I think they are creating levels for conflict discussions---maybe something to print in their new magazine??? "Look everyone--see how many people hate these timed levels--Let's do more of them then"
  • I have passed it just now, after many many tires. Like you all, I kept saying it was impossible. I must have just had a ridiculously lucky board because I got a bunch of color bombs right off the bat without having to use boosters, and then I used boosters for the rest. I used a lot of lollipops and hand switches to make…
  •  It doesn't appear this level was tested before release. Now they are saying that the changes will not be released until Wednesday. I would of thought they would of re-vamped prior to the weekend but I guess not. I've been playing daily, keep trying but I still can't get to 80000. I did get 72000 once and received 4 color…
  • Every few weeks, they release a nearly impossible level that is meant as a "milking cow", in that impatient players will waste a lot of money and boosters to pass the level. They play dumb when people complain, as if they didn't already know about the difficulty and as if they didn't test the level extensively before…
  • It used to explode the color you matched the candy with and then do it again to another color. It gave mega points. I used to use it when I went back in to replay levels for 3 stars. Now it changes it to all wrapped candies of the color you chose and they explode. (once) I can see where that can be helpful in some levels,…
  • You just need to change tactics. You have to remove the liquorice (or at least most of it), before you activate the flying saucers. If you activate them too early, they choose a random square, which means that they can take the place of a piece of liquorice, before exploding. If that happens, the liquorice does not count…
  • Yes! I was just wondering about this! Time to use the lucky candies I have like 275 of from the booster wheel. The lucky candy does not help. I have used it. It only showed up once to begin with.
  • Well I tried to answer you but they apparently want to read it first. I'll try again. It spits out all bad things: bombs, licorice, jelly..etc You can get rid of it by matching candies next to it several times or using striped etc candies. It is especially difficult when there is more than one. Boosters seem inevitable on…
  • It may be little, But you tell it straight. After playing 1268, I can totally relate :) SMILE
  • Well everyone, I passed 1268 using 40 extra moves. Yes, I repeat 40. Now with that said, I've moved on to level 1271 but I must mention EVERY level in this episode requires the use of boosters whether it is lolli's, hand switches or extra moves. So don't be in a hurry to get through the next levels because the next are…
  • Well everyone, I passed 1268 using 40 extra moves. Yes, I repeat 40. Now with that said, I've moved on to level 1271 but I must mention EVERY level in this episode requires the use of boosters whether it is lolli's, hand switches or extra moves. So don't be in a hurry to get through the next levels because the next are…
  • Hi Tammy! For me I'd like to see if a level is difficult either for re-playing purposes or for finding out if I should wait with playing a level if I'm short on time. Sorry Combo...I applaud your positive feedback, but what you are saying is quite a stretch. I guess i just feel insulted like with the videos. Re-playing…
  • Good, innit? And the best bit is that it doesn't even register as a hard level under this weird new rating scheme! I didn't know there was a rating scheme....where would I see that?
  • I commented earlier that I had a chat with a King rep who said they are working on a fix. I wonder why they removed my comment? It's not removed...I saw it and commented on it :)
  • I just had a chat with a king rep who says they are working on a fix for this level. I would avoid playing until they fix it. Well that is great news!!! :)
  • I agree with everyone who answered. This level might just end my CC play which would be a shame. Hopefully CC will rethink this level before people quit. If more mystery candies fell, we might have a chance. Even the videos show people using lots of boosters. Agree!
  • I have been playing the sugar track while waiting on new levels and saved a whole lot of boosters. I had over 100 free switches, 50 lollipop hammers, 15 col,or bombs, 23 wrapped/striped combos and almost 200 lucky candies. I have used EVERY SINGLE BOOSTER in my stash except the lucky candies. I still have those but the…
  • I am not even sure boosters would help with this level. If so, I think you would have to buy a lot of them and extra moves at that. I agree...when are they going to realize that we just love playing the game and don't want to be annoyed by levels like this. Give us a challenge , yes. But don't give us levels that are…

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