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TransportationSpec Level 2


  • Yes, I play using using the browser on my my desktop through Facebook. I would know how to play any other way.
  • As I stated, after the "new terms" pop-up, the daily treat machine disappeared for several days and when it finally came back, I watched as the level of the wheel changed from over 10 back to 1, starting all over again and I lost my position. Everyday it increases one number and with every 5 numbers it adds a multiple…
  • I had no idea that I was in a test group. What, it's been several years and nobody told me until now? Sure is funny that after being in a test group for years, unknowingly, then I am out, without being told that either? And, with my wife also playing the game, plus other friends, and all received the daily bonus, but now…
  • I had no idea that I was in a test group. What, it's been several years and nobody told me until now? Sure is funny that after being in a test group for years, unknowingly, then I am out, without being told that either? And, with my wife also playing the game, plus other friends, and all received the daily bonus, but now…
  • Well, I played the game for the first time in a few days. Without using a booster, I finally, magically completed level 1168. So I went to the next level and what popped up? Well, the daily gift calendar for day 1. i must be back in the "test group"? For level 1169, because I had 146 of the rolling candies, I used one and…
  • Hi and thank you, I use Microsoft Edge on my windows 10 OS computer, which is my primary computer. Chrome and Mozilla Firefox didn't seem to work as well. I have also tried on another computer of mine running Windows Vista and using Mozilla Firefox. Chrome was problematic as was Microsoft Internet Explorer. Neither…
  • I don't know how to check to see if my game application is up to date, but I have logged out of facebook, logged back in and restarted the game. Nothing has changed. Still the daily bonus is missing. This all started when I was forced to change to the new facebook look. I guess that I just won't play Candy Crush until the…

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