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andersanders Level 2


  • New levels are released every Wednesday, typically 3 episodes of 15 levels each.
  • @christinewupp I don't do All Stars and the like. Never ever! 😎 The break happened like this: Last year, when the "end of the world" was around level 14,800 (and I was at 13,800), I set my mind to reaching this ever-changing "end of the world". With patience and quite clever use of boosters, I made good progress. As long…
    in Plz add me Comment by andersanders May 3
  • @christinewupp Hi Christine, since your other account disappeared from my friends list I took the liberty to add the one above. Hope you don't mind.
    in Plz add me Comment by andersanders May 2
  • @christinewupp Yes, that's me. (Currently parking there collecting boosters before I'll dive into the next 10k.) Hi there! ;-)
  • If this happens repeatedly, just kick those off your friends list. It keeps the friends list way shorter but more valuable. But keep the remaining friends happy! 😀

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