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Level 1


  • Agreed. Every time I reach out to their support team they keep telling me to refer back to their community forums and I'm like ummmm there are multiple people who are in the same boat as I am.....IT'S A GLITCH!!! So frustrating!
    in Level 308 Comment by angiipark June 2020
  • Same!!! This has to be a glitch and King customer service was so useless. They told me to check on the forum and none of the videos or helps I can find has the same board as me (with no chameleon candies or 23 moves)
    in Level 308 Comment by angiipark June 2020
  • My mobile app is the latest update but my board doesn't have any chameleon candies like your videos are showing. Is this a glitch?
    in Level 308 Comment by angiipark June 2020

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