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Level 3


  • Does anyone know if you use your 20 lives if you're allowed to BUY more lives? I'm going with yes you can, just another way for King to scam players out of more money. They changed levels so some of THEIR players can brag on youtube "Hey I passed this level without using any boosters" yet that player was given 35 moves…
  • I was wondering if they did this to everyone or what? I am BEYOND ticked off!!! 1st they changed it so we only get 20 moves per level so you have to pay to pass levels, yet they give someone 35+ plus moves when it first comes out, now they take all of our lives away from us. I honestly think they don't want us to play any…
  • So Crazy Cat Lad, you have seen 13+ pages of complaints, are you/CC going to fix these levels? I am about ready to quit this game, and based on everyone's comments I am not the only one. We should not have to pay money to pass every single freaking level!!! It should also, not take days to pass levels!!!!
  • What is going on with this? Below is just starting the game with 25 moves, Here is a shot with someone saying "no boosters used" and they have 35 moves. I am getting so sick and tired of CC trying to scam players out of more and more money because they are frustrated playing the same level for days
  • Also, what's the point of us telling you what we think when you made this post about 2 months ago and it appears, nothing has been done to change things!
  • I'm about ready to say good bye to you, there are way to many glitches in the games lately. The levels in this are WAY to hard, you have to use way to many gold bars to get past them, almost every single level they are nightmares even when they're supposed to be "easier" ones. It should NOT take 25+ lives to get through a…
  • Are we ever getting it back? If not, deleting app on my phone, only play when that's going on. They took away our daily challenges to get prizes, it was the only way to get anything.
  • Found out you switched it from the weekend to Monday's go in this morning and there is no bubble gum him. Are you done with it? If so I am done with the game!!!
  • I can hear the heads at King, "Lock down is almost over, but it may rise up again, don't bring it back yet, people are spending money still, some can't see through our GREED, keep it "broke" for a few more weeks and see" Why do I have a feeling the MINUTE all lock down is over with, "magically" it'll be fixed. Used to be…
  • No, I don't actually believe you understand nor listen to us. ALL of my friends that play CC are on PC, it is to hard for them to play on their phone, I don't want to have to download so many games on my phone just to be able to get prizes, you took that away. You took away BGH THE MINUTE the country/states started…

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