NO NOT enjoying the game at all!!!! Not that you care or anyone else at King. Your "timing" was perfect to "fix" the game, BGH down at the start of a pandemic, when everyone has to stay home so they'll spend money, that they probably don't have just so they don't go mad with boredom. You are all GREEDY, I really hope Karma…
You NEVER listen to us, you come up with excuses as to why things are gone, yet some people end up having them, so they must still work. Games are a dime a dozen any more. Customer Service is what keeps players loyal to a game and you are SERIOUSLY lacking that aspect. The company does NOTHING for PC users. I wish everyone…
I wouldn't know anything about the fish acting up as I don't have any and there is no way for me to earn them, since you took away to sugar candies and any other way to earn that particular booster. I only get daily wheel, and once in a while a competition that may or may not allow me to collect. So yeah, this game is not…
Just in case no one else knows this, or didn't see my previous post, if you play on PC you get no update, you get no new bonus', you get no new ways to get power ups. They are ONLY updating mobile app. All of my friends that play with me and myself included only play on PC, for them, it's to hard to see/play the game on…
3rd weekend in a row, no bubblegum hill. You have started new tabs bragging about new ways to earn power ups, I see/get nothing when I go into the game. King games has REALLY gone downhill!! We're in the middle of a pandemic and you make the games harder so people have to spend money that they don't have, that they need to…
Not that king even cares, they've already told me on FB they aren't doing ANYTHING for PC users. I had over 20 lives saved up from my friends that sent them to me, because they ONLY focus on mobile apps. All my lives are gone, I keep getting put in different tournaments depending on when I go into the game. I played ONE…
Thank you Lola, but I don't see the game getting any better. Everytime you make changes it gets worse. You have that arcade thing, but it never lets you complete it unless you spend gold bars, at least for me. You've taken away our challenges where we could get power ups. I have played both CC & CCS and spent more money…