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dee7774 Level 2


  • Would love to hear when the “test” ads will end. 8 years my husband’s has them. I don’t have them and without them a player is at a disadvantage. All your races and events are ridiculously unfair when you’re giving an advantage to select players. Level the playing field! I know I’ll never get a straight answer and after…
  • This “test” just started for me today. I received nothing prior regarding this test. Of course, players on my friends list that I actually have personal contact with, seem to be without a profile. The whole “it’s a test” or “feature” for some and not all is so tiresome. Ads available for some (my husband’s has them for 8…
  • I posted this question to support and they simply referred me to the standard…look at this article and keep trying. King Support is the least supportive!
  • I love when they respond that ads are a test. My husband's had them without interruption for 8 years…. that’s an awfully long test!
  • Since you reinstated the limit, I can send lives but, I cannot receive lives. This is beyond ridiculous! You're killing this game for what reason? You constantly remind us to add friends, what's the point if we are limited on amounts to gift and receive??

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