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dj61 Newbie


  • I too have lost all my friends and my leader board with last update on Feb 2022. I've been with these friends for years. I feel such a sense of loss right now! It's fair to offer a choice to add new friends, but to take everyone away in the blink of an eye like that is so wrong! No matter what level I go to, I'm the only…
  • I've been playing for 5 years now. Out of all the terrible changes we have endured, this is in the top 3. Really bad idea! PLEASE put it back so we can go back to enjoy daily play again. PLEASE! Dj61
  • I too get the hammer on Dexter, then the program doesn't load the next screen. After reading the above posts, seems this "bug" has been going on for a while now. This is my second week in a row. It might have some connection with the Episode Race? When I beat my 15 levels the night before the Space Race starts , I get the…

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