The last thing I want to see when opening up Candy Crush is anything Kardashian-related. What is the purpose of this partnership? At least give us some extra boosters/lives/gold bars for having to endure this nonsense.
We had a little break in the middle-late 9000 levels until the 10 before 10,000 and almost every level after. Now we're back to the ridiculous levels that now require boosters/extra moves to complete and are very frustrating. I play Candy Crush to destress and relax but feel the exact opposite playing now. I've had to use…
More infuriating than playing these levels is finding out how many moves they started out with, and how much you're stuck with now. 9430 went from 45 moves to 30. 😒
I'm still waiting for the change to 9301 as well. Candy Crush is supposed to be fun and challenging, not infuriating which is what I feel with most of the levels released over the past month. Significant move reductions, having to use boosters and/or gold bars to pass each level with fewer opportunities to win boosters and…
The levels released over the past month have been so ridiculously bad that I no longer like playing this game. The developers should focus on creating interesting, fun, levels with a few challenging ones in between like it used to be. Reducing moves from every level to an absurdly low amount is ruining the experience, and…