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jmutch Level 2


  • Playing portrait mode works very well on a phone but on a tablet it is not. The tablet in the portrait mode is very physically unstable. If you are an handicapped person, putting the tablet on a stand in portrait mode makes it unstable and falling often,
  • It is so unfair! My husband and sister inlaw both have this feature for more than 6 months. Tests should be all done by now and everyone should get the same version. By the way, when is the landscape version coming back?
  • I know the feeling. My husband and sister in law both have the advertisements feature for more than 6 months now. They do 50 to 100 levels a week. I barely do 10.....
  • I have the same problem. I cannot find the keys. I do not have the same level as shown in the tips. Why is this happening
    in Level 6872 Comment by jmutch July 2023
  • This is not fair! Some players are doing 50, 60, 70 levels while some of us...are doing 10 levels. Gets me so frustrated..,,,my husband, my brother, my sister-in-law all have ads features while I do not. It has been going on for more than one year. Please make all players have the same bonus
  • Please tell me why I do not have the same functionality of my friend. He can watch movies to get additional lives or more tool. Not me. He can easily do more than 20 levels per week . Not me

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