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kfadrat Newbie


  • By the way, I play candy on and off for several years. Earlier on the tablet. I also had situations that I waited a week or two to unlock a level. You won't get a penny from me anyway. The game goes to the trash, and you kiss my %^$# :) Please do not answer, I'm not going to read the bullshit. Goodbye.
    in lvl 50 Comment by kfadrat November 2019
  • By the way, I play candy on and off for several years. Earlier on the tablet. I also had situations that I waited a week or two to unlock a level. You won't get a penny from me anyway. The game goes to the trash, and you kiss my a s s :) Please do not answer, I'm not going to read the bullshit. Goodbye.
    in lvl 50 Comment by kfadrat November 2019
  • By the way, I play candy on and off for several years. Earlier on the tablet. I also had situations that I waited a week or two to unlock a level. You won't get a penny from me anyway. The game goes to the trash, and you kiss my ass :) Please do not answer, I'm not going to read the bullshit. Goodbye.
    in lvl 50 Comment by kfadrat November 2019
  • Three more days have passed and I have no changes, I understand that I have to wait 72 hours patiently? These are some spacesballs.
    in lvl 50 Comment by kfadrat November 2019
  • Hello :) No kidding, I wrote that the clock does not work, it shows all the time 00:00:00. If I waited 72 hours I would not write. I wait, I think, from November 1 Sincerely.
    in lvl 50 Comment by kfadrat November 2019

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