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oogieboogie69 Level 2


  • I don’t track numbers or anything but I recognize that levels I passed earlier today, are coming up as new again. I don’t know if I got reset back ten levels or there is some glitch like I’m getting fed repeat levels or something. Anyone else? I don’t want to do these nightmarishly hard levels AGAIN. I’m up around 6225.
  • Their response, finally. ”I checked your video and I understand this level you are playing now is like 6216 you saw on the Internet. Allow me to shed some light on what is going on with the changes in levels. Our Game Studios are constantly working on improving our games by introducing new features, gameplay or concepts.…
  • Likely. They moved 6216 to 6225 on the SAME DAY I passed 6216 and now I am having to battle it again. And that wasn’t the first repeated/changes level I discovered. This is what they told me, finally. ”I checked your video and I understand this level you are playing now is like 6216 you saw on the Internet. Allow me to…
  • Just to share a video I sent to them this morning… No, that isn’t it.
  • For instance, this is level 6216 but I am getting it repeating for 6225.
  • It’s not that they can’t fix it. It’s that they won’t fix it. Because there must be a financial bonus to them, as in some people who wouldn’t have played it, who are now forced to, are actually buying boosters to get to the end. Losers.

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