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sarah3545 Newbie


  • There is absolutely no reason for me to factory reset my phone. And as many times as the app has been updated, this issue has not been fixed. It has only gotten worse. This is why I’m posting - because they need to be aware of the issue and fix it in the next update.
  • Weird that you haven’t experienced this issue. Considering my device scrolls just fine on other apps, this is not a device issue. It’s been ongoing for over a year now. I keep hoping they will update the app to fix it (used to work just fine) but still nothing. That is why I’m here, as a last resort.
  • These answers are ridiculous and useless - precisely what I would expect from King. Do you seriously think that I would go to all the effort to post on here if I hadn't tried these things before? I'm on an iPhone 8. Of COURSE the app has been relaunched. The phone has been through several updates and restarts, and the…

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