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stane Newbie


  • The change to remove being able to build by passing old levels makes many levels impossible. You can’t even get close to completing and even if you have a bank of boosters they are completely inadequate to help. They have also reduced frequency of access to boosters so you can’t build up abandon to use and using one or two…
  • The change to remove being able to build by passing old levels makes many levels impossible. You can’t even get close to completing and even if you have a bank of boosters they are completely inadequate to help. In fact if this is the change implemented by candy crush why have build a bot at all as it is impossible to pass…
  • The change to remove being able to build by passing old levels makes many levels impossible. You can’t even get close to completing and even if you have a bank of boosters they are completely inadequate to help. In fact if this is the change implemented by candy crush why have build a bot at all as it is impossible to pass…

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