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vivi2016 Level 2


  • Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • here is a video where I can't even spend my gold. If you're out of the championship, it's your fault. 😞
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • hello! Mine is Android, it looks like this, which shows that I qualified for the second phase.
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • Yes, but they were unable to resolve my case. I'm recording the game screen, to have enough evidence to prove that the error is not on my cell phone, and they simply said it can't be resolved. and am I going to have to lose the championship because of this?
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • This problem started when I went to the second phase. everything was normal. iaao is already to harm us.
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • I've done everything and I haven't been able to solve it, I've turned off my cell phone, I've changed the internet, I've exited and entered the game, I've put it in airplane mode and then I put it back to normal and nothing. This is just bothering me in the championship, where I've also made some purchases before and it…
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • How do I contact CCS support?
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11
  • I hope it gets resolved soon. Because there is only 1 day left until the next phase. And I really don't know what to do. That can't happen!
    in Conexion Comment by vivi2016 April 11

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