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x_2024 Level 2


  • Agree. This competition is designed for the players to invest their time and money. If King wants to give value to their active users, they can use the lottery system to choose the players based on the number of levels they've played for the whole year.
  • This player earned more than 1 million points with 78 levels wins.
  • I do not have a screenshot of the top 10 at the beginning, it never cross my mind that there will be an issue. I was surprised when this player overtake me out of no where. BTW the picture with 78 levels won is the 1st screenshot and the 64 levels won is the 2nd screenshot. If you can check the properties of the…
  • I had the same experience. I'm on the 1st rank for two consecutive days. Today I paused playing for two hours, then when I come back. Someone out rank me out of no where. This person is not part of the top 10. Please pay attention to the current level.
  • Please pay attention to the levels played. Then tell me this is not bot.
    in Bots Comment by x_2024 April 17
  • Same here, how can a player who won 78 levels has 1,128,519 points. I'm in rank one for two consecutive days, then out of no where this player got the first rank. This player is not even in top 10 since the 2nd round started.
    in Bots Comment by x_2024 April 17

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