I have 20 available lives as usual, but can't load them to play
Over the past few days, I've not been able to use any lives at all. It shows 20/20, but when I go to load them, it sends out 5 lives to other players, but doesn't load up the 5 for me to play, and it also shows a "blank" envelope. So, the only way I can use lives is if enough time goes by and it adds 1 after 25 or 30…
Still having trouble with loading!
Half the time I cannot get the game to load all the way. This has been happening for two days. I'm still having an issue where if I can get the game to load, and I can play, then at the end, it goes gray. So just now, I was able to play, and I was in a Candy Royale mode. I won the first round, but then it went gray, so I…
Game loads but then blacks out
I am having two issues. First, the page will load, but I cannot click on a game to get in because it's grayed out. Sometimes I can refresh a few times, and then I can get in. But, then, when I finish the game, it just grays out again. So, if I'm playing in a Candy Royale cycle, and I win the game, I lose all my progress. I…