I won the level of collecting the stripped candies when i tried to collet it kept saying calculating
I won the level of collecting the stripped candies when I tried to collect the reward it kept saying calculating and today its gone
Why am i not recieving my 2hrs free play when i win
I've just won 2hrs free play and once again haven't received it starting to get tried of this happening wish ye would get this sorted.. Anyone else having these problems ?
Free hours dissappering
Seriously less than a week later I'm back with the same problem didn't receive my 2hrs free play and the chest disappeared when I reach it all within the same hr candy crush pleassssseeee sort this its very frustrating I appreciated the gold bars but losing more than 2hrs free play I feel like crying... Is this happening…
Not recieveing my free hours play
Is it just me again or is anyone else having problems getting their free hrs and free play from the treasure chest ?
Wheres my bonus
Once again I've reached the key from treasure chest and haven't received any bonus the time is still available for the chest rewards and there's not a key in sight really getting sick of this happening CANDY CRUSH PLEASE SORT THIS OUT SOOOO FRUSTRATING !!
Why did my 2hrs free play disappear
Won 2hrs free play from the stripes but never got it sooooo disappointed
Not getting any where with claiming winning special events
Not only did I win 2hrs free play and didn't receive it the treasure chest was a level passed it when I reached it guess what it disappeared then I email candy crush and just get diverted to here what's the point to it all really
Treasure chest
I've reached the chest but don't have time for 2hr play so I just close it till later as I have done before but when I go bk its gone even though I didn't claim it ??? Very annoying
Losing boosters
My boosters are being used on my game even though I haven't selected them getting tired of loosing stuff on this game and getting no support