Farm Hero Saga level 1930 impossible
this level's requirements are too high for such a few moves. i hope the team would review this.
farm super hero level 504, super hard but someone cheated!! King, pls explain!!
Hi, i am stuck with level 504, since many days. in my opinion it is impossible-to-crack level. with only 20 moves, we have to collect 100 green, 100 red, 100 yellow and 80 blue. i have played this level maybe close to 100 times, but not even close to win. so i looked in youtube, OMG someone did make it. But wait, he…
any boosters given on Farm super Heroes?
Hi, i have been playing farm super Heroes for a while. there is never any daily awards, challenge awards or any awards given? without any boosters it is very difficult to pass on. (previously there was challenge with another player but the awards had seldomly properly given.) another question is : what can one do with the…
(new) level 2163 with only 45 seconds from 2 mins! !! not even close to pass
together with level 2159, 2160, it seemd King also revised level 2163 too but not 2 mins time down to 45 seconds, l lost many boosters with time extension and still could not pass because i could not extra 5 seconds time plus at all. King, please revise this game back to 2 mins! it is getting a bit too boring with every…
level 2159 to drop 6 nuts and 6 cherries with 25 moves!!! impossible level to complete!!!
as mentioned above level 2159 with only 25 moves to drop 12 items is impossible. i lost many boosters in more than 10 attempts, not even close to complete.