I dont think I can write to Everyone that asks the exact same question. So I will put the answers here for yall. okay? Im on level 2865 now. I have 9 Badges. And I may have 3 goldbars. I have been on some very hard levels and its hard to Win contests to get goldbars. I have been stuck on so many levels, Like All day long. Or Even two days on one level. Everyone passes me on contests now. They make me look stupid because I cant clear some of these levels now.😰. ITS NICE TO MEET EVERY ONE OF YALL. THANKS FOR TEXTING TO ME. 😉😁
I dont know what fantastic 1 is. I only know the Fantastic 5.(team) But theyre always 2 or 3 players that Dont Play at all. I dont think theyre real either. Because 2 of them in my game right now Hav…
Now Im being held up on level 2834. I dont get anymore videos to watch to get a booster. I only get a free spin once in a few days, now. I hardly get any help now during my game. And they make it imp…
Are you kidding? START OVER??? Im not going back to The First Level. Is that what youre saying to me? To Start at the First Level?Thanks but No Way. Thats almost 3000 levels 🙉😥. Right?