I don't have the new design, although I haven't played on a mobile device since they changed to portrait mode. The Games Studio would be better using their time in making the actual game more interes…
@Scooterpie has decided the game is no longer a priority for her and has stopped playing. I will miss her memes 😪 And I can assure you @QueenB, a number of other top level players are rapidly losing …
All the posts on the top new levels thread disappeared overnight ? I posted about 1/2 hour ago and @Scooterpie informed me my post had disappeared within minutes of posting ?? My post was not offensi…
@kiara_wael @QueenB Another contest that is of no use to top level players. Just another way that the designers deliberately are making the game unenjoyable for us. Hardly bother with CCS now, especi…