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Level 2

  • Re: Stop taking prizes away

    I am on level 7800 so I need all the help I can get LOL, that shows you how long I have been playing. Hopefully they listen to the feedback they are getting here. It also seems like different players…
  • Stop taking prizes away

    Why do you keep taking prizes away? Now I just noticed you reduced the amount of gold bars you can win on races, WHY??? You also changed the second and third prizes for races, they are the same prize…
  • Re: Stop taking prizes away

    They changed the first race to 10 bars, the second I think is 25, where it was 20 for first and 30 for the second. I also have to exit out of my game every time to access anything. Then it freezes up…
  • Why did the rewards get cut back so much???

    I am on level 6000 on Candy Crush Saga. I noticed very recently that the weekly level prize for both second and third place are exactly the same?? The prize used to be higher for second place. I also…

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