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Level 3

  • Re: level 9003

    Oh good, so it's not just me. I even had a CB/CB and couldn't complete it. *eye roll* I guess I am done for the night. Time for TV and crossword puzzles instead.
  • Re: 8966

    @Sukanta_Biswas None that make any difference (which is what tollerdog01 clearly just said).
  • Re: 8966

    Agreed. There is still no way to complete this level without using boosters because the cherries do not drop quickly enough because you have to clear the board and then clear the original cherries be…
  • Re: 8966

    If Win10 players are going to continue to be beta testers/guinea pigs we need to be given extra consideration (as in replacement of lost boosters, gold, ended win runs, blown team goals, fast races, …
  • Re: Level 8897 is short of liquorice

    I was able to get past it 1st thing this morning. No boosters or extra moves needed.

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