*New World Record - Candy Crush Soda Saga & Candy Crush Saga!

Hi @sarma_palash123 @riteshlko0198 @Sukanta_Biswas @Yosca, @LadyRaffie @Lola_Pop @Pounawea
@Crazy Cat Lad @Bumper2019 @Freddy_Falkner @QueenMia @Community_Team, @PummyRaj,
I have copied @sarma_palash123 screenshot from above. I want to point out something here.
- Jose Marcos - Score 2,147,422,679
- @riteshlko0198 / Ritesh - Score 3,635,000
- @Sukanta_Biswas - Score 972,980
Now according to Google:
The highest score ever reached by a player is 1,999,259,792. Mar 23, 2018 (*Note: This is on Candy Crush Saga!)
But, with these posted scores, it now means that:
- Jose Marcos - Score 2,147,422,679 - is the "New World Record Holder, for highest score on Candy Crush Soda Saga, in addition to beating the highest score on Candy Crush Saga"!
- New World Record - Jose Marcos Score 2,147,422,679 On Candy Crush Soda Saga & Beat Previous Record On Candy Crush Saga - By @Origins7_Dale (The King Community)
So my 1st question do any of you know him @Sukanta_Biswas @riteshlko0198? He is in your group.
If you do, need to get him in here. Post that record, instead of the secondary post above.
Community Managers, don't forget to call, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Sports Illustrated, & The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. (hehe) Of course King, should be notified. Here is some good publicity, for both King & The King Community.
Well, have to go see the doctor soon, all this excitement is killing me.
- 1st Posted at:
🏆Beat our Game Expert Yosca and win up to 100 Gold Bars! - Page 4 — King Community
Take Care All - Origins7_Dale, 😀
wow, I'd like to see the video of that game!!!
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Wao amazing 😳
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Hi @sarma_palash123 @riteshlko0198 @Sukanta_Biswas @Yosca, @LadyRaffie @Lola_Pop @Pounawea
@Crazy Cat Lad @Bumper2019 @Freddy_Falkner @QueenMia @Community_Team, @PummyRaj @Origins7_Dale my highest record is over 2 millions in level 1500 in ccss
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Hi @rock2233,
That's great. But, the "New World Record" is over, 2 Billion!
- Jose Marcos - Score 2,147,422,679
Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀
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@Origins7_Dale that record in level 500 & I am talking about level 1500 in ccss
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Hi @rock2233,
He holds the record in both games, as the highest scorer. Not important what level you did it on.
My score in (CCS) is, not even close.
Level 3309 - Score 264,563,860 - 4261 Candy Bombs (Space Race Dexter The Whale) - Candy Crush Saga - Origins7 Dale
- Jose Marcos - "New World Record" Score 2,147,422,679
- Origins7_Dale - Score 264,563,860
Way behind him.
So once you get to over 2 Billion, let us know. 😁
Thx Origins7 Dale, 😀
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Why scores r not same.
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Hey why you delete your 10 millions record score