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Which Books do you like to read?



  • Yeah..I've read some books of Stephen King too he is one of my favorites! πŸ™‚

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited September 2020

    I also like mystery and fiction books a little bit @paris2009 & @aijaziqbal in the newspaper I only read sports part and movies part...And Thanks for participating in the discussion to you and everyone! πŸ™‚

  • Welcome

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited September 2020

    Tagging some more players if they want to share their views 😊

    @MollyMolls @Rubina24 @Jasmina @candycrushinit @Sofia1992 @Elsa @hazel3 @Lilaa

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Sorry but I do not read books it just never clicked for me when I was younger PLEASE NO MORE Tags BUT Thanks for thinking of me

  • Thanks for the tag -

    I love all books sci-fi, and the occasional mystery book. My favorite books are mostly written by the authors Marie Lu, Marissa Meyer, and Leigh Bardugo. (The Lunar Chronicles, the Legend series, the Grisha trilogy are some of my favorites written by them, to name a few.)

    Anyways, nice discussion @Anahita_2005.

    Stay sweet and keep crushin!

  • mint_aero
    mint_aero Posts: 206
    edited September 2020

    hi @Anahita_2005 I am also not a reader, most I do is read the comments here and quite a lot of articles on news by mobile.

    I did read a fair amount of books on stuff like body language, analysis of handwriting and dreams etc years ago.

    My best friend is a big reader and she tried her hardest to get me interested in books when at school. The last proper book I read was 15 plus years ago.

  • @Anahita_2005 what a wonderful discussion!!! And thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

    I love to read but right now it is only textbooks mostly. I do have have an interesting one i am reading currently ( not a textbook) that is a self - help book.

    A most interesting discussion!! Thanks again for starting it @Anahita_2005 !!!

    many blessings to you all and have a most wonderful night!! πŸ’œ

  • me6412
    me6412 Posts: 9,635
    edited September 2020

    I read stories to my son he loves them so most of them are fiction, as for myself I have two MAGAZINE'S Haha Haha. I always read The AMA and The JAMA since I worked in the Medical field they keep me updated incase I ever get the chance to return back to work. I also like? Louise Lamore books, a great writer but they are fiction, I also have read many Autobiography love these find some very interesting. Like @wykoon I also read sounds like the same book on Lady Di, which I do believe there was a problem with Lady Di dating Joey, mainly because it was causing a problem with The Queen of England, and let's just leave it at that ! I am from America and we see thing's a lot different than those who lived in England at that time, but we loved Lady Di ! I gave away most of all my books now since I get them on the Internet now I subscribe to the E-Books where you buy your books and download them and keep them on file, but not on this Tablet they are on my main frame CPU that I use for my personal stuff, and my Facebook account where I keep in touch with my family that is scattered all over the USA ! Good Subject you brought up and thanks for the tag @Anahita_2005. Let's keep this roooollllliiinnngggg !

  • It's okay @Breee not everyone is book worm! πŸ˜…

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