🥳Who's up for a party! Guess what we're celebrating...
Kimmie birthday
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National Candy Day !
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It'll be a very important party!!
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Idk Man
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@Mambalaak, @samehzarif, @suetow, @johnsweet, @kipperhips, @Mamfie, @actoledo3, @aerovamon, @willietta, @donslans, @aschumacker & @plushytoysfan
Welcome to the most sodalicious Community!
📍 Remember ---> The 5 most creative ideas submitted by Players in this Contest will win 20 Gold Bars for their Soda Game, so don't forget to comment with what you think could be the reason we are celebrating. 📍
- Need some inspiration to get those Soda juices flowing? 💭 Check out @Mariam1's hilarious guess HERE & @siti_payung's sassy idea HERE. 💭
ℹ️ Go HERE to win free Gold Bars for your Soda Game & other awesome prizes while you have fun in the Community.
ℹ️ Take a look at info provided HERE to help get you started in the Community.
- For the different areas of all King's Games, go HERE.
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It's The 6the Anniversary of Candy Crush Soda!!!
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I think we are celebrating 60 years of candy crush #crushig anniversary
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15 years since the king.com URL was introduced, candy crush soda saga was brought in during November and 5 years ago Activision Blizzard decided to out a bid in and was completed in 2016. All that aside, just think of all the candy we've got through during covid as well as playing Candy Crush! 🎉🥳😱😉😯
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We are celebrating us, the whole cc community because, sometimes we don't need a more special reason to celebrate than ourselves especially in times like these, where its so important to stay strong and safe together. 🥰
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Anniversary of CCSoda by chance?