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@Origins7_Dale 👍️ Excellent job explaining how bad the new map is , especially on scrolling. You do a great job on wording the troubles with it. I tried to put it n the right words but you hit it on the nail! 👏👏👏
I have bad issues with my hands and fingers as well so I know what it's like.
Have a GREAT day!! 🤗😍🤗
I don’t see what everyone else seem to have..
the screenshots I’ve seen shows colorful background and such. But I’m stuck in what I think should be candy town?
i can’t get out from there and it’s really boring and it’s no fun at all because there is literally nothing in the background, looks gloomy to me.
here’s a picture of how it looks:
I neutrally like the infinite scroll anyways.
The new scrolling option is nice, but I preferred the previous back grounds more.
I’m a little sad and disappointed that the navigation map is changed. Remember when each episode had a different character with a message. Each episode was unique but now with the levels at the bottom in a line and Kimmy just standing there staring at me makes me sad. Is there any way I can go back?
G'Day @LadyRaffie
I haven't seen any of the above in my game over the last few months but I do like what you've shown here. I could be a bit late to the party with this one but I like it all a lot.
Kimmy looks great without the glasses and the landscape view looks interesting. The features seem like a great improvement on what's already there!
Candy crush has really lost its charm after the update that removed the old map with many unique episodes that maked you feel like you were progressing in a story. It always motivated me to play to see the next episode. When the update that removed the old map in candy crush saga released i started to play candy crush soda instead. Its not really as fun but this game at least maked me feel like progressing, after like three weeks they also removed the epiodes in that game to. Both games has lost its charm and isnt fun to play anymore, you just feel like youre stuck in a endless loop. I really hope the candy crush team will consider to bring back the episodes. I know the reason why they removed them but there are solutions that shouldnt be to hard to make the game good for both people that wants many episodes and people that only wants episodes repeating. There could be a downloadable recourse that would contain the old episodes all the way to the last normal maked episode, there they could use random episodes from the collection of already made episodes. I really think they should implement this to make all players happy. There are many players here that want it and most of candy crush players arent even here because they dont have a account here.
I couldn’t put it in any better words. Your are 100% right. Candy crush soda was my last hope. It was funny to play because of the new episodes and the little characters on each one. Now candy crush soda is making the levels go in a straight line etc and the. I don’t know why they did this. It’s such a shame.
They did it so they had less work to put into the game. Profit maximization. It's a shame, I would have loved to see the episodes. So it's very static...:(