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(ENDED)💡A lightbulb moment contest for you (ENDED)



  • Posts: 37,544

    You can still post the answers because players will be randomly chosen.

  • Posts: 5

    Level 2

    How do I participate in in this?all I see is comments and discussions. Not where you can actually do the contests. Thank you.

  • Posts: 6

    Level 2

    1. Blue turtle has dark blue spots

    2. No confetti on the ground

    3. No yellow stuff coming out of the straw in the sky

    4. Pig's lollipop is all yellow not multicolored

    5. No green spot on the alien's radio

    6. No curl on Candy King's head

    7. Guy on the cloud has his eyes closed

    8. No white door on the house on the left

  • Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Okay, here are the eight differences: (Looking at bottom picture)

    Straw is not blowing smoke

    No colors in ice cream scoops

    No hair strand on bubble gum king's forehead

    Spots on turtle's front feet and chin are darker blue

    No colored confetti on the ground around the Bubble King

    No door outline on the house

    Alien Computer Screen is different

    No Genie eyes

  • Posts: 33

    Level 3

    No smoke coming out of smoke stack, martians chest is different, color of the candys on pigs stick, turtles spots are different color, no confetti on the ground, no decoration on the door, bubble gums curl is missing, gene’s eyes

  • Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Hi how do I stop the emails from showing up in my email.

  • Posts: 9

    Level 2

    How do I unsubscribe the emails

  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    The difference in pic...the genie is missing chocolate eyes,candy cane missing yellow top,the door on the houses are different,the martians hand held computer is different there’s no confetti on the ground,the pigs pops top are different colors the turtle leg spots are different colors and last the the crown one the bubble gum king is’s missing a jewel. Those are the 8 different things that I

  • Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Love the game...I’ve been playing for a lot of years!

  • Posts: 5

    Level 2

    1. Blue turtle has dark blue spots

    2. No confetti on the ground

    3. No yellow stuff coming out of the straw in the sky

    4. Pig's lollipop is all yellow not multicolored

    5. No green spot on the alien's radio

    6. No curl on Candy King's head

    7. Guy on the cloud has his eyes closed

    8. No white door on the house on the left


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