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I love the game and all the events.
Frosty Festival was actually a cute event, I did enjoy taking part. I don't think I would have played it that much if I hadn't partecipated in community winter games but it was nice to find some new quests to complete while replaying levels and levels😆.
I definitely appreciated the diversity in the quests choice and the possibility to skip. I also liked the fact that passing new levels was not the main focus for the event to work, so it never got tiring to do. Candies combinations were my favorite quests. One thing I didn't understand was the need to win the level for some quests that were always about rare candies combinations. Like, why did you expect that from me.😆 But then I got used to it.
Another thing I liked was the quests status reminder after passing a level. it was actually useful because I tended to forget completing quests and changing them most of the time. 🤣. I believe this didn't exist in building Candy Town event
While I liked how the event worked, I was not that impressed about the rewards which were 15 minutes of unlimited boosters. The energy booster could have been interesting but BGH has a weird bug that doesn't allow to try and win the throne again just after 1 or 2 attempts and with plenty of energy left so F. Festival energy booster was useless for me, unfortunately.
I would have liked some lollipop boosters in F.F rewards tbh. Maybe next time 🤗
Hi there!
I got this yesterday too, just the crying picture. I couldn't get along with this event at all and therefore ignored it. Since hardly anything had counted and the button to pick up was missing. I didn't get any boosters. I just played my levels normally and that's it. It would have been nice if it had worked perfectly.
Maybe next time!!!😔
I don’t even have Frosty Festivals, no BGH either, I have MTF which I hate. Someone has blocked the only available space for two days now, the rest of the spaces left are the ones requiring passing a new level, or passing a hard level etc, I have no levels to play until Friday when new levels are released. It doesn’t make any difference even I keep telling the person blocking the space to complete that column..
I agree that the energy isn’t helpful. I also think the frosty festival is less useful than the noble path because you have to play much longer for smaller prizes at each level, and I will not be paying to play it again; it’s not worth it.
Never got the frosty festival in all that time it was available. I seem to miss out on a few of the extras that seem to be available. I have been waiting for Bubblegum Hill for a long time, as I think that gave more of the rewards I was wanting. Maybe next time around I might get it. Thank you for the game anyway. Love Plating Candy Crush Soda Saga.
🤪hi,so far its been all good until now ,sorry 😱
Hi there,
I should have finished frosty festival 3 times now. Every time I finish a task, it says I've done it, but I never get the points. And when I start the game again, everything is gone.
There is something wrong with the game.🙃😥
Here’s my score, I hope to win and at least get the badge.I LOVE PLAYING CCSS AND THE COMPETITIONS FOR badges or gold..