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πŸ† Show off your Soda skills, claim level milestone badges HERE! !πŸ₯€

⚑️ Weekend Soda Challenge!πŸ₯€[CLOSED]



  • Posts: 3,551
    edited February 2021

    Hi @LadyRaffie @Diamond Lim @Yosca @Pitty_Kitty thx for contest & tag & Hi To The Rest Of The Group,

    Here is mine.

    • New! Weekend Soda Challenge! Come Close To Score 59,820 - My Score 59,960 - CCSS - Origins7 Dale

    • Sodalicious Champion Badge

    Want that badge. Don't let @Yosca or @Pitty_Kitty see it, or we are in trouble. (hehe)

    • *Current Standings On 2/5/2021! *Come Close To *Score 59,820!
    • *Have a 10 max. limit on *Posted Screenshots / Tries For The Contest!

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088 

    2/5/2021 *Edited With Updated Scores!

  • Posts: 17,879

    I was practicing @Origins7_Dale 😌 and here is my score:

  • Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Is this how you enter this one? Just post a screenshot of your score?

  • Posts: 0


    @LadyRaffie I have a question for you. How can you tell if my score is from level 60+ if I block the level on my screenshot? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ That is one of the rules, right?

  • Posts: 3,551
    edited February 2021

    Hi @ipete @LadyRaffie,

    That is a very good question, my friend. I am very interested in hearing the answer to that myself. I always suggest, it is not good policy to change anything on the screenshot. Too easy to copy someone else's screenshot, then claim it as your own.

    Well, we will wait on our CM, for the answer, perhaps on Fri.

    For @morganna:

    Yes, however, you should read *Page 1 first. As I tell all the "Newbies".

    • Always read *Page 1 First, on the forum, thread, discussion, contest, etc... you are on. It is the "Key" on posting. Tells you what it is about. Along on what to do. About 90% of your questions will be answered here.

    Your post is fine, but if you look 2 post above yours, I did a *Current Standings List. The goal is to *Come Close To *Score 59,820!, according to the *Rules on *Page 1. Your score is far from it. You are also limited to only 10 Posted Screenshots / Tries, till the end of the contest. Just need to beat our *Soda Game Expert @Yosca score, & you are the leader at that point.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


  • Posts: 6,047


  • Posts: 27

    Level 3

    I have done βœ…

  • Posts: 4,124

    Hello guys!

    @ipete Who said you have to block/erase/cover which level you played in your screenshot? πŸ€”

    I erased mine so you guys focus on the points, not the level. But didn't say anything about you guys doing the same, did I? πŸ˜‰

    I just said over level 60 to make it more challenging. But if you guys think this is a great deal, choose whatever level you want from level 1 to the very end πŸ€—

  • Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hello @LadyRaffie i see you have mentioned we can cover the level number if we wish and hence a lot of players have covered it.

    So does this mean now you're changing the rules and we cannot cover the level??? And also play any level starting from level 1??

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