(FINISHED)🍬 Candy Day: Win your very own sodafied portrait!

Dear Soda Crushers!
Celebrate Candy Day with all of us sharing your love for the game here below 👇
🌟The sweetest message will get an exclusive gift: A Sodafied avatar designed by the Candy Crush Soda team!
To participate, share your love with the game by answering one of these questions:
❤️ Why do you love Candy Crush Soda Saga?
❤️ What’s the best thing about playing Candy Crush Soda Saga?
❤️ How does Candy Crush Soda Saga make you feel?
Remember: The one and only Soda Art team will turn YOU into a CCSS character!
Wanna keep the party up? Head over HERE to see how we’re celebrating Candy Day in the Community!
You have time until 8 November 2021 at 05:00 EST/ 11:00 CET and you can find the Terms & Conditions here.
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Tagging CCSS Players into spoiler :
@040890 @1235Hardy @2easy @AaronH @Adav @Aitch @AlainaHS @albski @ale_f @amber_dawn @Anniemcmanus @AnnoyanceDeZtruction @Anny23 @aurther @Autofire @Bantino @Beachgirl63 @bernie9090 @bernirc77 @bex12 @bflyrose1107 @biekeella @billjerry @Bling182 @BossQueenLiss80 @Bricorn @brownsugar2115 @bugs_burny @BulldogBob @buttbaby920 @c_j_w68 @Calamity_Coyote @Carol_Kero @Casey965 @Cece322 @Channi34 @CharmedCat @charlottelovegood @chirag0406 @Chrismp @christina48198 @clarey @crabapple @Crazy_cat_lady_1 @Crazyforfun @crushingsweets @daniella82 @dannyalvaro @davidm61 @daysgoby @ddow @deedles916 @deepakstha @Deobella @Di65 @DocCha @DomJuam @Doppo @DoYourLaundry @dugglebb @dxxchocolate @Ecam @Eckmonmor @ejhawke @ejurjane @Elaine67 @eldutton @EppPHX @Ernie545 @FOBET @gasrenus @george456 @Gingersnappyg @giorgos_mos @giotaki @Gumyupawpaw @Gylia @heatherK1970 @Honey_5708 @hopebbk @itsbumby @JacalynCosta @JaclynAmes @jayteedy @jellyjean @jennifritz @jess2901 @JessiBoop_87 @jlynnb23 @jodihunter05 @Johnny5salive @joshua2c @js7902 @jverley420 @JuliannaMika @katarzsic @Kayleekay @Kelutwo @kerbear409 @KILLEY2 @Kim_Steel @Kjlyman1 @KristieJ @KTMac @kujo54 @kukajb @lacyleroy @laydeebae @LeahK @lexlishious @LiL_Pixie @lindasin @Lizly62 @Lolley1982 @LoloBash51 @lotsakids @Lucy71 @LynnAnderson @maalik @malloryp @Mamajoe420 @MandyP123 @Mary8Moeeeee @mattmahar8 @max12 @maxinegio @mcbrown @MCCB8885 @megumspuds @MelissaMMDP @Mercedes_Diaz @Milinka @mini8 @miss_monnie @MissHighflower @MissyLuvsB2020 @Mjo1986 @mzphitz @mommakk10 @MommaMary5 @monicasimoes2010 @MrKizart @Mr_Peely @na0218dajks @NahlaElhady @namal_butt_01 @Nanakyejames @nanalewis92 @nannewbct @nattychick1973 @natzbiz @ncoll19 @Neena_s @nettieg @nickwilliams @niecy76570 @Nubiaoliver @NuggyBoo @NurseKrista26 @OOOlena @pat1man @PatWay @Pcj @pdt1982 @peach1997r @pearlyc1p @Precious0914 @prezy22 @purple0822 @Rab123 @RayB3109 @RayvenL_ @ranathunga @rienepien @renamifsud2 @S42S @Sab97150sxm @SagaR @sandritis2 @SanthaSá @Saori @sarahmd @SaraVitaMoore @Sayo04 @SEEILikeIT @shall2 @ShaqKnox @Sherri_Bouknight @shuping17 @SidLock @Sk1tZo_JuGGaLo @Skthmom4 @smidgesgirl @sredjent @Staceybich @starlighters101 @stickmandan @SunnieB71 @supermomster2018 @Susie_Q1970 @suzekit @swabby @Tamesa48 @tamike000 @Tleaf70 @TheresaGrafton @tommie1986 @Tranic @TWalsh @Twi @ultrad @unstoppablerad @Verna_Ellenson @Victoria24 @vstexas @VTyanky_69 @Vunke1987 @Wen19 @wwiii @xray_sheri @Yaz_Milani @yogachik
I cannot tagged multiple same players as I have tagged them on main page who have subscribed on Community Hub Tagging List. So I tag them once only as well. 😉
** If who wants to subscribe Candy Crush Soda Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
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Hey @LadyRaffie
Why do you love Candy Crush Soda Saga?
The character. (Kimmy is my favorite character)
What’s the best thing about playing Candy Crush Soda Saga?
Getting the memories before it was removed in 2018 and getting rainbow Kimmy.
How does Candy Crush Soda Saga make you feel?
Challenge, but relaxing and fun at the same time.
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my favouraite part is the levels they never stop coming and i love to chalenge my self
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I'm playing candy crush soda saga fro a long time I just love this game
The reason behind why I love this is that I'm addicted to this I have changed almost 3 mobile phones but when ever i buy a new phone the first app in install in CANDY CRUSH SODA SAGA❤ I can't image my self nit playing this game 😊
The best thing about the game is its contest which engages u in the community
This game made me stress free and relaxed in my hard times which is the best thing about this 🌼❤
This game is love🍬🥰🥰
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Why i love the game, a simple thing. It has very few programming errors and is, in my opinion, the most demanding game of all King games. The game is varied, always entertaining but not easy.
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I like CANDY CRUSH SODA SAGA because everyday am stressed out with school and my brothers and I feel a need to sneak and start playing this game cuz it makes me happy though some levels might be hard I get angry and then happy because I know Kimmy & Yeti are on my side
Happy Halloween Hu Hu Hu👹
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I like to discover new levels and play them. And also events arcade games and bear brawl I like the most! From my heart I LOVE candy crush soda saga!🍭🍬🥰🤩👍😁😘😋😛
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Candy Crush Soda Saga is my favorite King game and Candy Crush game because I love the plot and I love playing many levels to ease my mind. I have been playing for four years now, and I still enjoy being rich in gold and boosters and completing hard levels effortlessly. I sometimes challenge myself how many levels will I complete in a day with unlimited boosters and how long can I maintain my winning streak. There’s nothing that can take away my love for this game, and I will continue to play even if I’m under serious pressure.
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I love candy crush because I love being strategic and candy
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I Love playing Candy Crush Soda Saga...It makes my Day!! All the different contest an perks make it such a fun game...I've been playing it for so long an even got friends playing also...When I've had a stressful day it helps me relax an enjoy the rest of my day an evening...TY sooo much.