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Hello @sutto510 @Toussaint73
There are no friends limitations that I know of🙂
If no code expired then it's possible you two are already in both of your friends lists because one of you saw and added the other player's code first. After that, the other player isn't aware of having been added already and he will see an error message when he'll try to reciprocate by entering the code.
To check the adding was already successful you should scroll down your Social Hub list and find the name and avatar of the player you're trying to add. Remember that the name to search is not the username of community account you use to comment here. It's the username you use when you play Soda. Different usernames in different platforms is probably the reason why you may forget you have already added someone 😅
So you would need to share the usernames you use to play Soda. You can share them here or in private messages on this forum if you don't wish to post them publicly on this discussion 😀
Hope this helps
Hello @yvsants @cergek and welcome to Soda community !
Glad to see you're having fun in making new friends 😀
I'm aware some you are sharing the code directly from Soda app and so the default message gets to be posted in the native language.
But I'd still need to give you a friendly reminder 😀: Soda community only supports English as players come from all over the world and we're able to understand each other that way.
If you're not very fluent it's okay, you can use Google Translate or to translate and post on the community 😀
Thank you!