Need a Helping Hand? 💭
Got a game question or need help? This is the place to ask!
Looking for a few new members to join our very active team. We never miss completing all three chests and bake both cakes in the first few hours. The more helpers, the merrier! Team name: Red Velvet Team Number: 707921787.
New team called "Cool Kids Table". I'm super active player level 1856. Come join me friends.
If you looking to join a team please consider joining Tidy Apples. We are looking to add 3 teammates. We are very relaxed but like to play multiple times a week-daily. We give each other lives and participate in team challenges.
Team Code is : 295509594
Team Name: Tidy Apples
Heya guys. Fire and Ice is open for 1 new member now. We are a team of 12!
Come join if you are an active player and just want to play for fun. It's open for public, so you can join anytime, unless it’s full. See you there!
Fire and Ice.
Teamcode: 295287565
PS: we are a quiet, non chatty but awesome team with active players 😘
I just don't understand how the teams and the new levels work tbh. I'm confused. It feels like there are issues with a game :(
looking for team I;m level 2206
I'm a daily player (level 2594) and have just started a team called Golden Apples (the logo has a star on a red background). Would love other regular players to join!
Louise 😚💥
Hi KpsS, If you're still looking for a team, I've just created one called 'Golden Apples' - we're at similar levels, but I don't mind what level a person is, so long as they play regularly!